Bank Syariah Bukopin / |
Currently, PT Bank Syariah Bukopin invites the best Professional Bankers to fill several positions as follows:
Officer Development Program (ODP)
- Male with max age 27 years old
- Education min S1 all majors preferred in Accounting with min GPA 3.00
- Willing to take part in education in Jakarta and Willing to be placed in all branches after the completion of the program
- TOEFL score min 450
- Willing to follow a bond for 5 years
- Male/female with max age 27 years old
- Education min S1 all the majors with min GPA 2.75
- Good looking
- Placement in Jakarta
- Education min D3 in related field
- Having experience as a Juru Taksir min 3 years
- Mastering in the concept and procedures for gold assessment
- Have the managerial ability to organize Pawn Division
- Having the ability to provide Training
- Male, with max age 25 years old for a fresh graduated and max. 35 years old for the Experienced
- Education min S1 from Law Faculty with min GPA 2.75
- Education min S1 in all majors
- Experience in Accounts Officer min 3 years with the last position as Officer / Manager
- Experience in Banking companies is a must
- Age max. 35 years old
- Having a wide networking
Divisi Sumber Daya Insani
Bank Syariah BukopinJl. Salemba Raya 55 Jakarta Pusat 10440
Email -- Official Source