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Maulana Malik Ibrahim Islamic State University Malang - D3, S1, S2 Staff, Lecturer UIN Malang July 2013

Written By JobsCDC on 16.7.13 | 1:23 PM


UIN Malang
UIN Malang / uin-malang.ac.id
Maulana Malik Ibrahim Islamic State University Malang - UIN Malang is a reputable state-university in Indonesia under the Ministry of Religious Affairs. The University is based in Malang East Java. The University was established in 1961 and formerly known as a Tarbiah Faculty of IAIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta branch Malang. In 1965, the Faculty was merger with IAIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya. Maulana Malik Ibrahim Islamic State University Malang was launched in 2004. UIN Malang supported by 1 Graduate Program and 6 Faculties, namely Tarbiya (Education), Sharia (Islamic Law), Humanities and Culture, Psychology, Economics, and Science and Technology.

Due to strengthen its team, Maulana Malik Ibrahim Islamic State University Malang are now seeking to recruit high caliber and dynamic individuals for the following challenging positions (Non CPNS) as :

Pengadministrasi Umum (KK.01) - 19 positions

  • S1 Islamic Religion, Management, Public Administration, Humanities, Psychology, Sains and Technology, Education outside of school (PLS)
  • GPA min 3.00
  • Graduated from reputable university accredited from BAN PT (A/B)
  • Preferably fluent in English
Perencanaan dan Keuangan (KK.02) - 7 Positions

  • S1 Accounting, Finance Management, IESO
  • Able to develop and evaluate the draft budget and program
  • GPA min 3.00
  • Graduated from reputable university accredited from BAN PT (A/B)
  • Preferably Experienced
Staf Perpustakaan (KK.03) - 5 Positions

  • D3/S1 Library
  • GPA min 3.00
  • Graduated from reputable university accredited from BAN PT (A/B)
  • Preferably Experienced
Recepcionist (KK.04) - 2 Positions

  • D3/S1 Public Relations
  • S1 Public Administration, Humanities, Psychology, Communication Science
  • GPA min 3.00
  • Graduated from reputable university accredited from BAN PT (A/B)
  • Fluent in Arabic and/or English
  • Female, and good looking
  • Min height of 170 cm
  • Preferably experienced
Pengadministrasi Perundang-Undangan (KK.05) - 1 Position

  • S1 Law/Sharia
  • GPA min 3.00
  • Graduated from reputable university accredited from BAN PT (A/B)
  • Have a good knowledge of legislation
  • Preferably experienced
Urusan Mahasiswa Asing (KK.06) - 2 Positions

  • S1 Islamic Religion, Management, Public Administration, Humanities, Psychology, Communication Science
  • GPA min 3.00
  • Graduated from reputable university accredited from BAN PT (A/B)
  • Fluent in Arabic and/or English
  • Preferably experienced
Dosen Farmasi (KK.07) - 3 Positions

  • S2 Pharmaceutical, majoring in (a) Natural Product, Pharmaceutical Technology, (c) Pharmaceutical Community
  • Pharmacists profession
  • GPA min 3.00
  • Graduated from reputable university accredited from BAN PT (A/B)
  • Preferably experienced as lecturer
Dosen Perbankan Syariah (KK.08) - 6 Positions

  • S2 Finance, Accounting, IESP (Banking)
  • GPA min 3.25
  • Graduated from reputable university accredited from BAN PT (A/B)
  • Preferably experienced as lecturer and Understanding Sharia law
Dosen Manajemen (KK.09) - 3 Positions

  • S2 Management (Marketing, Finance, or Human Resources)
  • GPA min 3.25
  • Graduated from reputable university accredited from BAN PT (A/B)
  • Preferably experienced as lecturer
Dosen Akuntansi (KK.10) - 2 Positions

  • S2 Accounting
  • GPA min 3.25
  • Graduated from reputable university accredited from BAN PT (A/B)
  • Preferably experienced as lecturer
Dosen Biologi (KK.11) - 2 Positions

  • S2 Biology, majoring in (a) Genetics and Molecular Biology (b) Plant Biosystematics
  • GPA min 3.25
  • Graduated from reputable university accredited from BAN PT (A/B)
  • Preferably experienced as lecturer
Dosen Fisika (KK.12) - 1 Position

  • S2 Physics field of remote sensing
  • GPA min 3.25
  • Graduated from reputable university accredited from BAN PT (A/B)
  • Preferably experienced as lecturer
Dosen Kimia (KK.13) - 2 Positions

  • S2 Chemical, majoring in (a) Inorganic chemistry (b) Analytical Chemistry
  • GPA min 3.25
  • Graduated from reputable university accredited from BAN PT (A/B)
  • Preferably experienced as lecturer
Dosen Matematika (KK.14) - 2 Positions

  • S2 Mathematics, majoring in (a) Computational Mathematics (b) Algebra and Combinatorics
  • GPA min 3.25
  • Graduated from reputable university accredited from BAN PT (A/B)
  • Preferably experienced as lecturer
Dosen Teknik Arsitektur (KK.15) - 1 Position

  • S2 Architecture Engineering field of Landscape Architecture
  • GPA min 3.25
  • Graduated from reputable university accredited from BAN PT (A/B)
  • Preferably experienced as lecturer
Dosen Teknik Informatiks (KK.16) - 3 Positions

  • S2 Informatics Engineering field of (a) Computer Science (b) Computer Engineering (C) Information System
  • GPA min 3.25
  • Graduated from reputable university accredited from BAN PT (A/B)
  • Preferably experienced as lecturer
Laboran Farmasi (KK.17) - 1 Position

  • S1 MIPA, Analytical Chemistry
  • GPA min 3.00
  • Have experience and expertise in operating laboratory instruments
  • Graduated from reputable university accredited from BAN PT (A/B)
  • Preferably experienced as Laboran
Laboran Psikologi (KK.18) - 2 Positions

  • S1 Psychology
  • GPA min 3.00
  • Have experience and expertise in operating laboratory instruments
  • Graduated from reputable university accredited from BAN PT (A/B)
  • Preferably experienced as Laboran
Laboran Bahasa (KK.19) - 1 Position

  • S1 Arabic Literature
  • GPA min 3.00
  • Have experience and expertise in operating laboratory instruments
  • Graduated from reputable university accredited from BAN PT (A/B)
  • Preferably experienced as Laboran
Laboran Akuntasi (KK.20) - 1 Position

  • S1 Accounting
  • GPA min 3.00
  • Have experience and expertise in operating laboratory instruments
  • Graduated from reputable university accredited from BAN PT (A/B)
  • Preferably experienced as Laboran
Laboran Perbankan (KK.21) - 1 Position

  • S1 Finance Management/Accounting
  • GPA min 3.00
  • Have experience and expertise in operating laboratory instruments
  • Graduated from reputable university accredited from BAN PT (A/B)
  • Preferably experienced as Laboran
Laboran Microteaching (KK.22) - 1 Position

  • S1 PAI, IPS Education, PGMI, Penjaskes
  • GPA min 3.00
  • Have experience and expertise in operating laboratory instruments
  • Graduated from reputable university accredited from BAN PT (A/B)
  • Preferably experienced as Laboran
General Requirements
  1. Able to Reading and Writing Al Quran
  2. Max age 35 years old per 1 August 2013
  3. Able to master the use of ICT in their field
  4. Preferably experienced
Documents Required
  1. Hand written application letter on  lined foolscap (black ink) and signed on stamp duty Rp6000. Application letter addressed to Rektor Universitas Islam Negeri Mulana Malik Ibrahim Malang.
  2. Legalized copy of academic certificate and transcript (1 piece each)
  3. Copy of Accreditation Letter
  4. Color photograph with blue background size 3x4 cm (2 pieces)
  5. Copy of valid ID Card
  6. Medical Certificate
  7. Working reference and other supporting documents (if any)
For furthe information, please refer official source from UIN Malang on following link below. For those who are interested and posses the above required qualifications, please submit your applications above not later than 18 July 2013 (post stamps) to Rektor Universitas Islam Negeri Mulana Malik Ibrahim Malang - Jl Gajayana 50 Malang 65144. Please mark a position code on top left corner of your application envelope. Applications received after these dates will not be considered. All applications are appreciated and will be treated confidentially. Only qualified, short-listed applicants will be invited for furthers process. (Source)

Notes :
JobsCDC.com now available on android device. Download now on Google Play here. Please be aware of recruitment fraud. The entire stage of this selection process is free of charge. Maulana Malik Ibrahim Islamic State University Malang - D3, S1, S2 Staff, Lecturer UIN Malang July 2013 will never ask for fees or upfront payments for any purposes during the recruitment process such as transportation and accommodation.

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