
Marketing Manager (MM)
- Managing marketing team
- Creating creative ideas for BTL (Below The Line) & ATL (Above The Line) activities
- Organizing events (planning, budgeting/cost control, executing, reporting)
- Building positive relationship with costumers, media and partner
Channes Sales Manager (CSM)
- Managing a team of Channel Specialist
- Increasing dealers sell out quantity
- Creating and Implementing dealer sales promotion program
- Developing Channel & penetrating porducts into dealers
- Building good relationship with IT Channel (SI, VR of IT Industries)
- Increasing dealer/shop recommendation rate
- Increasing product exposure rate in the market
Channel Specialist (CS)
- Increasing dealers sell out quantity
- Creating and Implementing dealer sales promotion program
- Developing Channel & penetrating porducts into dealers
- Building good relationship with IT dealers
- Surveying price, promotion & channel map of IT industries
- Briefing & training deales
- Increasing dealer/shop recommendation rate
- Increasing product exposure rate in the market
Teritorial Sales/Marketing Representaive for Bandung, Yogyakarta, Semarang, Surabaya, Medan, Westren Indonesia cities & Eastetern Indonesia (TR)
- Developing Sales Channel in the assigned territory
- Improving & maintaining good relationship with Deales and Project Accounts
- Increasing sales & market share
- Collecting & reporting the field/market information
- Implementing field promotion program
- Increasing dealer/shop recommendation rate
- Increasing product exposure rate in the market
Service Techician (ST)
- Analyzing & detecting the damage module
- Repairing or changing damage module
- Answering/providing suggestions or soulutions to costumer's problem
Accounting & Logistic Specialist (AL)
- Maintaining inventory data base
- Recording parts usages and accessories sales
- Maintaining costumer database (coordinating with front desk reception)
- Following up necessary parts requested by engineers
- Providing simple accounting/tax report
Administrator (AD)
- Data input (inventory, book keeping)
- Administration jobs
- Front desk reception task
- Bachelor Degree (S1), preferable major : Engineering, IT/Information System (MM, CSM, CS, TR, ST), Accounting (AL, AD)
- Minimum GPA (IPK) pf 2.80
- Working experience, minimum 2 years in relevant field (CS, TR, ST, AL, AD) and 5 years or more experience in relevant field (MM & CSM)
- Fluency in English
- ABle to work under pressure
- Will based in othe related cities in Indonesia (TR)
- Male or Female, minimum 30 years old (CSM)
- Good communication skill
- Able to work independently
- Chinese capability will be advantage
please write the position you apply in the email subject