PT. Pupuk Sriwidjaja Palembang (PT. Pusri Palembang) is engaged in fertilizers manufacture, chemical products and engineering services including the government mission in distributing and selling subsidized fertilizer in supporting national food security.
Currently, PT. Pupuk Sriwadjaja Palembang require employees to be placed in various areas according to company needs.
Currently, PT. Pupuk Sriwadjaja Palembang require employees to be placed in various areas according to company needs.
Bachelor Degree (S1) in Engineering majoring in:
- Chemical Engineering
- Mechanical Engineering
- Physics Engineering
- Electronics Engineering
- Electrical Engineering/ Electricity Engineering
- Environmental Engineering
- Computer Science/ Informatics Engineering/ Computer Engineering
- Industrial Engineering
- Soil Science
- Industrial Psychology
- Financial Management
- Accounting
- Casualty Insurance (Asuransi Kerugian)
- Chemical Engineering
- Mechanical Engineering
- Instrument Engineering
- Electronics Engineering
- Telecommunication Engineering
- Civil Engineering
- Mining/ Landscaping
- Chemistry Analyst
- Computer Engineering/ Computer Science
- Informatics Management
- Trade Administration
- Accounting
SMA IPA or SMK (Mechanical Engineering/ Electricity Engineering/ Chemistry/ Sekolah Menengah Analis Kimia)
General Qualifications
- Indonesian citizenship
- The age limit is calculated by April 1, 2011
- Physically and mentally healthy.
- Willing to be placed in all of company operations areas.
- Proposed Department/ Study Program shall be in accordance with the required educational background.
- Only allowed to submit an application for an area of expertise.
- Bachelor degree holder
- Minimum GPA 2.60 (accredited A), 2.80 (accrdited B) and 3.00 (accredited C)
- Maximum 27 years old
- Not color blindness (total or partial) for Chemical Engineering, Electronics Engineering, Electrical/ Electricity Engineering
- Minimum TOEFL/ TOEFL Prediction score 450 (issued by Lembaga Bahasa/ UPT State University, maximum period of validity is 1 year)
- Because of the type of jobs for Chemical Engineering, Computer Science/ Informatics Engineering/ Computer Engineering, male candidates prefered
- For Psychology male candidates prefered
- Mastering Oracle, Solaris and server operation for Computer Science/ Informatics Engineering/ Computer Engineering
- Diploma degree holder
- Minimum GPA 2.60 (accredited A), 2.80 (accrdited B) and 3.00 (accredited C)
- Maximum 25 years old
- For Engineering candidates: no glasses/ contact lens or glasses maximum -1 (except: Computer Engineering)
- Not color blindness (total or partial) for Chemical Engineering, Electronics Engineering, Electricity Engineering, Chemistry Analyst and Instrument Engineering
- Minimum TOEFL/ TOEFL Prediction score 400 (issued by Lembaga Bahasa/ UPT State University, maximum period of validity is 1 year)
- Because of the type of jobs for Chemical Engineering, Chemistry Analyst and Computer Engineering, male candidates prefered
- Mastering Linux, Unix, Windows, LAN installation and computer troubleshooting for Computer Engineering
- Male
- Minimum SLTA graduate from SMA IPA or SMK (Mechanical Engineering/ Electricity Engineering/ Chemistry/ Sekolah Menengah Analis Kimia)
- Graduated from SLTA in Sumatera Selatan province, except SMK Analis Kimia, SMAK Bogor /Padang graduate is welcome
- Average passing grade (nilai kelulusan) 6.50.
- Between 17-22 years old
- Not married
- Not color blindness
- No glasses/ contact lens or glasses maximum -1
- Minimum height 160 cm
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