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PT Pelabuhan Indonesia IV (Persero) - Diploma 3 & Strata 1

Written By JobsCDC on 1.4.11 | 12:49 PM


PT Pelabuhan Indonesia IV (Persero), one of the port services in eastern Indonesia, invited Indonesian people who has the best spirit, high integrity, diligent and competent to join and develop careers to prospective employees of PT Pelabuhan Indonesia IV (Persero).

This opportunity is open to college graduates by field of study:

1. Teknik Sipil (Konstruksi)1. Teknik Sipil (Konstruksi)
2. Teknik Mesin2. Teknik Mesin (Konversi Energi/Kapal)
3. Teknik Komputer3. Teknik Perkapalan (Mesin)
4. MIPA (Matematika)4. Teknik Lingkungan
5. Ekonomi Manajemen5. Ekonomi Manajemen
6. Ekonomi Akuntansi6. Ekonomi Akuntansi
7. Tata Laksana/KALK7. Manajemen Keuangan
8. Hubungan Masyarakat (Humas)8. Manajemen Pemasaran
9. Kearsipan9. Perpajakan
10. Sekretaris10. Hubungan Masyarakat (Humas)

11. Hukum

12. Psikologi

  1. Fill out the registration form on-line
  2. Indonesian Citizen Male or female
  3. Age limit as of June 30, 2011 a maximum of 30 years (for S1) and a maximum of 28 years (for D3)
  4. Grade Point Average (GPA) of at least 2.75 (scale 0-4)
Not having a spouse who works at PT Pelabuhan Indonesia IV (Persero)

A. Preparation Prior to Filing Application
  • Registration application is done online through our website www.pelabuhan4.co.id. This process is done completely by the applicants and hope to prepare all the necessary data and documents.
  • Before completing this application form make sure that you have set up as follows:
  1. Identity Card (KTP).
  2. Electronic mail (E-mail) are still active.
  3. Grade Point Average (GPA) of at least 2.75, latest educational transcripts (for D3 and S1).
  4. No final certificate in accordance with the selected vacancy.
  5. File photo color (red background) jpg or jpeg format with a maximum file size 50 kb
  • Recommended to access the internet is not at peak hours and hope to access the internet at a place that has good speed inernet access
  • Read all of the requirements needed before determining the level and field of education which one would you have applied.
B. On-line Registration
  • Prepare all the necessary data.
  • Applications only through on-line registration through the site http://www.pelabuhan4.co.id
  • Choose the jobs that are available according to your educational level and
  • When filling out the registration form that you fill it make sure the data properly and in accordance with the physical file to be sent by post, in case of difference between the physical data and form on-line resulted in failure at this stage of the administrative verification
  • After completing the application form and send it on-line, applicants will receive a registration number in the late stages of registration and the confirmation via email. Confirmation of registration number will be used to send the documents listed in the right corner of the envelope.
  • We are not responsible for any errors in entering the applicant's e-mail address when filling out the registration form on-line.
  • Please read carefully the application data is entered before pressing the submit button at step 3 on-line application form
  • The period of on-line registration is the date of 5 to 7 April 2011. The deadline for registration is dated 7 April 2011 at 24.00 pm.
  • Applications that come in after the deadline for registration and / or does not apply on-line, is considered not valid.
C. Document delivery
  • After registering on-line, you will receive a registration number on the final step on-line application form or via email. Print your registration number and prepare the documents required in accordance with the attached in your email or filling the final step on-line application form.
  • Submit the required documents and enter into a brown envelope. Write down your registration number at the top right corner of the envelope. The documents required are as follows:
  1. Application
  2. Copy of diploma elementary or secondary schools, the last diploma and academic transcript.
  3. Copy of Identity Card (KTP)
  4. Copy of Birth Certificate
  5. Attach a Curriculum Vitae / resume
  6. Attach a photo Pas-colored (red background), size 4 x 6 2 sheets (passport photo should be the same with the photos uploaded at the time of registration)
  7. Statement would be placed in the working area of ​​the Company
  8. Send the document to the address below:
  • Admission of documents dated 5 April 2011 and ended on April 18, 2011 (postmark). If the data entered on the register on-line does not match the document data is sent, the applicant considered to fall within the administrative selection.
  • Documents signed after the date of 18 April 2011 will not be processed and the participants are not eligible for the next process.
All stages of recruitment and selection process in focus in Makassar. To facilitate the registration process on-line before you register, prepare a valid ID card, the last certificate number, e-mail address and mobile number active, colorful photo file format jpg or jpeg file size <50 Kb and make sure the back majors and experience you have been complied with these requirements will be spoken. Online registration opened on 5 - 7 April 2011.

More Info - Apply Online

Notes :
JobsCDC.com now available on android device. Download now on Google Play here. Please be aware of recruitment fraud. The entire stage of this selection process is free of charge. PT Pelabuhan Indonesia IV (Persero) - Diploma 3 & Strata 1 will never ask for fees or upfront payments for any purposes during the recruitment process such as transportation and accommodation.

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