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PDAM Kota Malang / |
Perusahaan Daerah Air Minum (PDAM) Kota Malang is a regional water company owned by local government of Malang that manages water supply to Malang region. PDAM Malang was established on December 18, 1974 with the publication of Regional Regulation No. 11 of 1974, Drinking Water Units to change the status of the Regional Water Company. Since then the Perusahaan Daerah Air Minum (PDAM) Kota Malang has status of legal entity and has the right to autonomy in the management of drinking water.
As one embodiment of improved services especially in improving the quality of water produced by the PDAM of Malang, implemented Zona Air Minum Prima (ZAMP) with a pilot project on Pondok Blimbing Indah Regency. The program is technically assisted by PERPAMSI cooperation with the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). On the ZAMP program, water can be drunk straight from the tap without having to go through a process that is cooked in the conventional treatment. This program has been developed for the service area of Tandon Mojolangu which currently has reached 15,000 customers. It is an attempt implementation of PP No. 16 of 2005 where the water is distributed by taps to the public in 2008 must be qualified drinking water.
We are seeking young professional candidates in fulfilling our business goal and objectives, for the following position:
For further detail requirements and how to apply each postion, please refer to PDAM Kota Malang Career Website on following link. Closing Date 23 Agustus 2011. All applications will be treated strictly confidential and only short listed candidates will be contacted for next process.