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Cargo Port - PT BJTI / |
PT. Berlian Jasa Terminal Indonesia - PT BJTI is an Indonesian companies engaged in port services (Port Terminal Operator). PT BJTI is a subsidiary of PT. Pelabuhan Indonesia III (Persero) and established in 2002 with head office in Tanjung Perak Port Surabaya. PT BJTI established through the Spin Off of one business unit of PT. Pelabuhan Indonesia III (Persero) - Port of Tanjung Perak Branch is named Divisi Usaha Terminal Serbaguna (DUST) or Division Business Multipurpose Terminal (DUTS) with focus on business services "Cargo and Container Handling" on conventional terminals. Business lines of PT BJTI : Stevedoring terminal; RO-RO Terminal service; General cargo/container stacking, and depot service; Consolidation, distribution/transportation/haulage services; bunker services, forwarding, fumigation, intermoda transport (freight trains); Animal & plant quatantine sevice depot.
To support business growth, PT. Berlian Jasa Terminal Indonesia open opportunities to join as :
- Harbour Mobile Crane (HMC) & RUBBER TYRED Gantry (RTG)
Requirements :
- WNI, male with max age 30 years old in December 2011
- Healthy Physical and Spiritual
- Educational Background High School / SMK (for operators); D3 Mechanical Engineering (for mechanical).
- Not color blind, not soft lens glasses, not tattooed and pierced.
- Not afraid to work at heights
- Preferred has Operator licence / Surat Ijin Operator (SIO) for the operator positions.
- Willing to be placed in areas of Indonesia.
Send your complete application with Copy of ID card. copy of SIO (for operator), 4x6 recent photograps, SKCK no later than October 31, 2011, addressed to address below. Write position code on top left your envelope.