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PT Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero) Tbk - Frontliner Recruitment D3 BNI January 2013

Written By JobsCDC on 28.12.12 | 6:32 AM


Bank BNI
Frontliner Bank BNI / bni.co.id
PT Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero) Tbk - BNI is an Indonesian major state-owned company (BUMN) in banking business. The Bank was established in 1946 and become the first bank formed and owned by the Indonesian Government. The Bank is based in Jakarta and expanded the branch and ATM network with presence in 33 province and 35o districs in all over Indonesia. As of December 2011, BNI establish 1,851 domestic offices networks and 6,227 proprietary ATMs. The Company also establish 5 overseas branch offices, located in Singapore, Tokyo, Hong Kong, London, and New York. PT Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero) Tbk in 2011 has won various honors such as "the Rising Star Bank in Service Excellence 2011", "the 1st rank in ATM performance".

In line with its vision, to be a bank that excels, prominent and advanced, in delivering services and performance, currently PT Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero) Tbk are seeking for potential individuals to join as following position below


  • Male and Female, Indonesian Citizen (WNI) with max age 24 years old on January 2012
  • Min D3 in all majors, with GPA min 2.55 (PTN) and 2.75 (PTS)
  • Single, not married
  • Minimum Height 155 cm (Female) and 165 cm (Male)
  • Have not completed the admission test candidates BNI
Application documents
  1. Cover letter and curiculum vitae (CV)
  2. Copy of academic certificate and transcripts
  3. Copy of ID card / other identity
  4. 1 sheet of 3x4 size photographs (color)
  5. 1 sheet of post card full body photographs (color)
  6. Phone number
    For further detail information, please refer official source from UG Career Center on following link below. Should you meet all of the requirements above, please send your complete application above to following address below. Closing date 11 January 2013. All applications will be treated as strictly confidential. Only qualified candidates that meet with the above requirements would be processed in this recruitment.
    PT Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero) Tbk
    Kanwil Jakarta Senayan - Jl Jend Gatot Subroto No 55 Jakarta Pusat 10210
    Official Source

    Notes :
    JobsCDC.com now available on android device. Download now on Google Play here. Please be aware of recruitment fraud. The entire stage of this selection process is free of charge. PT Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero) Tbk - Frontliner Recruitment D3 BNI January 2013 will never ask for fees or upfront payments for any purposes during the recruitment process such as transportation and accommodation.

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