
Kementerian Sosial - Recruitment D3 Pendamping, Operator PKH KEMSOS March 2014

The Ministry of Social Affairs
The Ministry of Social Affairs / kemsos.go.id
Kementerian Sosial Republik Indonesia - KEMSOS or the Ministry of Social Affairs of the Republic Indonesia is a ministry in Indonesian  Government which oversees the social affairs. The main tasks of KEMSOS are performing government duties in social affairs. The Ministry of Social Affairs was formerly registered as The Department of Social Affair (Indonesian : Departemen Sosial/Depsos). The Ministry is based in Jakarta and its central headheadquarters is situated at Jl Salemba Raya No. 28 Jakarta 10430. The Ministry of Social Affairs of the Republic Indonesia is headed by a Minister of Social Affairs (Mensos) that since 22 October 2009  chaired by Salim Assegaf Al Jufri. The Minister of Social Affairs is assisted by 1 Secretariat General, 1 Inspectorate General, 1 Agency and 3 directorates.

Due to strengthen its team, Kementerian Sosial Republik Indonesia through Program Keluarga Harapan (PKH) are now seeking to recruit high caliber and dynamic individuals for the following challenging positions as :


  • Indonesian Citizens (WNI)
  • Maximum age of 45 years old at the time of registering
  • Minimum D3 or equivalent and preferably have a education background in Social Work, Social Welfare or other sciences, Psychology, Counseling, Communication, Education, Health, Obstetric, Law, Economics or Information Technology or equivalent.
  • Preferably have experience in handling and services of social welfare
  • Familiar with Open Office application, minimum Word, Excel, and PowerPoint and Internet
  • Preferably Residing in the ​​implementing area (districts) of PKH (based on ID Card)
  • Not being a member / officials / participants of organization that is an affiliate member of the political party
  • Willing to work full time (full time)

  • Indonesian Citizens (WNI)
  • Maximum age of 45 years old at the time of registering
  • Minimum D3, preferably have a education background in Information Technology, Computer Science, Statistics.
  • Preferably have experience in the field of Information Technology
  • Familiar with Open Office application, minimum Word, Excel, and PowerPoint and Internet
  • Preferably residing in the implementing area (Province / Regency / City) of PKH (based on ID Card)
  • Not being a member / officials / participants of organization that is an affiliate member of the political party
  • Willing to work full time (full time)
Placement area
  1. Aceh (Aceh Barat, Aceh Barat Daya, Aceh Selatan, Aceh Singkil, Aceh Tamiang, Banda Aceh. Bener Meriah, Kutacane, Lhoksukon, Pidie, Pidie Jaya, Sinabang, Takengon)
  2. North Sumatera (Gunung Sitoli, Kota Binjai, Gunng Tua, Siborong-Borong, Tebing Tinggi, Medan, Sidikalang)
  3. West Sumatera (Dharmas Raya, Padang, Solok, Lubuk Basung, Muara Labuh, Pariaman Tengah, Pasaman Barat, Payakumbuh, Sijunjung, Tanjung Emas)
  4. Riau (Bagan Siapi-api, Bangkinang, Bengkalis, Pangkalan Kerinci, Pasir Pangarian, Selat Panjang, Taluk Kuantan, Tembilangan)
  5. Jambi (Bangko, Bungo, Kerinci, Jambi, Kuala Tungkal, Muara Sabak, Sarolangun, Tebo)
  6. South Sumatera (Banyuasin, Baturaja, Lahat, Lubuk Linggau, Muara Enim, Ogan Ilir, Ogan Komering Ilir, Palembang)
  7. Bengkulu (Kab. Kaur, Kab. Lebong, Kota Bengkulu, Muko-Muko)
  8. Lampung (Bandar Lampung, Baradatu, Gunung Sugih, Lampung Selatan, Lampung Tengah, Menggala, Sukadana)
  9. Kep Bangka Belitung (Koba, Kota Pangkal Pinang, Sungai Liat, Tanjung Pandan)
  10. DKI Jakarta (Jakarta Pusat)
  11. West Java (Bandung, Bogor, Ciamis, Karawang, Kota Cirebon)
  12. Central Java (Batang, Kab. Pemalang, Kudus, Purbalingga, Semarang, Tegal, Wonogiri)
  13. DIY (Kota Yogyakarta)
  14. East Java (Jember, Kota Kediri, Lamongan, Ngawi, Sampang, Surabaya)
  15. Banten (Kota Cilegon)
  16. Bali (Gianyar)
  17. NTB (Lombok Barat, Lombok Tengah, Lombok Timur, Sumbawa Besar)
  18. NTT (Kab. Ende, Kab. Kupang, Kab. Rote Ndau, Kab. Sumba Timur, Kota Kupang)
  19. West Kalimantan (Bengkayang, Ketapang, Pontianak, Mempawah, Putussibau, Sambas, Sanggau, Sukadana, Sungai Raya)
  20. Central Kalimantan (Guntok, Palangkaraya, Kuala Kurun, Muara Teweh, Sampit)
  21. South Kalimantan (Barabai, Banjar Baru)
  22. East Kalimantan (Berau, Bulungan, Bontang, Samarinda, Kutai Barat, Kutai Kartanegara, Kutai Timur, Paser)
  23. North Sulawesi (Siau Tagulandang Biaro, Kotamobagu, Manado)
  24. Central Sulawesi (Banggai, Buol, Morowali, Parigi Moutong, Poso, Sigi, Tojo Una Una, Toli-Toli)
  25. South Sulawesi (Bantaeng, Bone, Bulukumba, Gowa, Luwu, Luwu Timur, Luwu Utara, Maros, Pinrang, Selayar, Sidenreng Rappang, Sinjai, Soppeng, Wajo, Pangkajenan dan Kepulauan, Makassar, Palopo)
  26. South East Sulawesi (Buton, Kolaka Utara, Wakatobi, Kendari)
  27. Gorontalo (Gorontalo)
  28. West Sulawesi (Majene, Mamasa)
  29. Maluku (Buru, Maluku Tenggara Barat, Seram Bagian Timur, Ambon)
  30. North Maluku (Halmahera Selatan, Halmahera Tengah, Halmahera Timur, Kepulauan Sula)
For further information about this program, please refer official source from The Ministry of Social Affairs on following link below. Candidates with qualifications as mentioned above, are welcome to apply for the position. Please register and submit your resume to http://rekrutmen.pkh.kemsos.go.id/ (open application 3 - 21 March 2014). All applications are appreciated and will be treated confidentially. Only qualified, short-listed applicants will be invited for furthers process. (JobsCDC.com / Source)