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PT Pertamina (Persero) - Fresh Graduated BKJT Program Refinery Unit Pertamina 2014

Written By JobsCDC on 19.5.14 | 10:02 AM


PT Pertamina (Persero)
PT Pertamina (Persero) / pertamina.com
PT Pertamina (Persero) - Pertamina is the world class energy company from Indonesia and is fully-owned by the Government of Indonesia. In 2013, Pertamina was included in the Fortune Global 500 2013 from Fortune Magazine. Pertamina is the only Indonesian company that was listed on Fortune Global 500 2013 list. In 2013, Pertamina ranked 122th with total revenues of $70.9 billion. Together with its 18 subsidiaries and 13 affiliates, Pertamina performing business in integrated oil, gas, renewable and new energy business with domestic and  overseas operations. Pertamina is supported by 7 refinery units throughout Indonesia, consist of Refinery Unit I Pangkalan Brandan South Sumatera, Refinery Unit II Dumai Riau, Refinery Unit III Plaju-Sei Gerong Palembang South Sumatera,  Refinery Unit IV Cilacap Central Java, Refinery Unit V Balikpapan East Kalimantan, Refinery Unit VI Balongan Indramayu West Java, and Refinery Unit VII Sorong West Papua. According to Pertamina’s 2013 Annual Report as cited by JobsCDC.com, Pertamina booked US$3,067 millions (Rp32.05 trillion)in total net income in 2013, a 11% growth from US$2,766 millions (Rp25.94 trillion) in 2012.

To achieve the company vision : becoming a world class national energy company, PT Pertamina (Persero) currently is seeking new energy who are clean, competitive, confident, customer focused, capable and commercial to join as following positions

Bimbingan Keahlian Juru Teknik (BKJT)

  • Male.
  • Not married and not married during the recruitment process and ongoing education.
  • Have excellent health, not color blind and drug free.
  • Listed as an active high school and vocational school students of class XII in the academic year 2013-2014 / Alumni 2012 - 2013.
  • Department
    • SMA: IPA
    • SMK: Industrial Chemical, Mechanical, Electrical, Electro, Instrument.
  • The average value of report cards class XI  semesters 1 & 2, and class XII 1st semester :
    • SMA: Mathematics, Chemistry, Physics minimum 7.
    • SMK: Mathematics, Physics minimum 7 and educational materials majors at class XII 1st semester at least 7.
    • Value of each subject above at least 6.5.
    • Value of English subjects, an average of at least 7.
  • For graduate applicants 2012-2013: passed UAN and have a high school  / vocational diploma, for 2013-2014 graduate applicants: Passed UAN and diploma can be followed later.
  • Willing to follow the BKJT training program (bond)
  • Willing be placed around the working area of PT Pertamina (Persero) after completing education program.
Documents required
  1. Curriculum Vitae
  2. Legalized copies of UAN and SMA/SMK diploma (alumni 2012 - 2013).
  3. Copies of report card grades XI Semester 1 & 2 and Class XII 1st semester (alumni of 2012-2013 and the school year 2013-2014).
  4. Copy of family card (KK).
  5. Copy of valid ID Card/SIM/Students Card.
  6. Recent color photograph 4x6 (2 sheets).
  7. Police Records (SKCK) from the nearest Police Department.
  8. Drug free statements, stamped Rp 6,000.00
Resourceful and confident applicants are invited to submit all documents above to following Pertamina's Refinery Units :
  1. Refienry Unit II Dumai, PO BOX 7 Dumai, Riau.
  2. Refinery Unit IV Cilacap, PO BOX 136 Cilacap, Jawa Tengah.
  3. Refinery Unit V Balikpapan PO BOX 468 Balikpapan, Kalimantan Timur.
  4. Refinery Unit VI Balongan, PO BOX 234 Indramayu, Jawa Barat.
For further information about this program, please refer official source from PT Pertamina (Persero) on following link below. The applications must be submitted before 25 May 2014 (post marks). Application will be treated strictly confidential and only short-listed candidates will receive responses. Late submissions will not be considered. (JobsCDC.com / Source)

Notes :
JobsCDC.com now available on android device. Download now on Google Play here. Please be aware of recruitment fraud. The entire stage of this selection process is free of charge. PT Pertamina (Persero) - Fresh Graduated BKJT Program Refinery Unit Pertamina 2014 will never ask for fees or upfront payments for any purposes during the recruitment process such as transportation and accommodation.

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