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Kementerian Tenaga Kerja dan Transmigrasi - SMK, D2, D3, D4, S1 CPNS Kemenakertrans September 2014

Written By JobsCDC on 10.9.14 | 1:00 PM


Kementerian Tenaga Kerja dan Transmigrasi
Kemenakertans / pusdiklat.depnakertrans.go.id
Kementerian Tenaga Kerja dan Transmigrasi Republik Indonesia - Kemenakertrans is the Ministry of Manpower and Transmigration of the Republic of Indonesia. Kemenakertrans is a ministry in the Indonesian government in charge of in manpower and transmigration affairs. Kemenakertrans was previously known as Departemen Tenaga Kerja dan Transmigrasi/Depnakertrans or the Departement of Manpower and Transmigration. Since 22 October 2009, Muhaimin Iskandar was appointed by the President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono as the minister of Manpower and Transmigration (Menakertrans). The organizational struture of Kemenakertrans are Secretariat General, Inspectorate General, Research, Development and Information Board, Directorate General (DG) of Training and Productivity Development, DG of Settlement Preparation and Transmigration Placement Development, DG of Transmigration Community and Areas Development, DG of Placement Development, DG of Industrial Relations Development and Workers Social Security, and DG of Overseas Employment Development.

Due to strengthen its team, Kementerian Tenaga Kerja dan Transmigrasi Republik Indonesia seeks the best Indonesian Citizen (WNI) to be a candidate for Civil Servants (CPNS) with the following qualifications and conditions:

Kemenakertrans Pusat
  1. Analis Akses Pemasaran : S1 Economics Accounting (1)
  2. Analis Anggaran :
    • S1 Economics Accounting (8)
    • S1 Economics Development (3)
  3. Analis Bahasa dan Sastra : S1 English Literature (2)
  4. Analis Barang dan Jasa : S1 Economics Accounting (1)
  5. Analis Bina Kehidupan Agama : S1 Religion - Islamic Education (1)
  6. Analis Biofisik : S1 Biology (2)
  7. Analis Data dan Informasi :
    • D4 Information System (1)
    • S1 Computer (1)
    • S1 Information System (1)
  8. Analis Diklat : S1 State Administration, Educational Administration (2)
  9. Analis Dunia Kerja : S1 Industrial Engineering (1)
  10. Analis Hubungan Kelembagaan :
    • S1 Islamic Education (1)
    • S1 Economics Management (1)
  11. Analis Hukum : S1 Law (2)
  12. Analis Informatika : S1 Informatics Engineering (1)
  13. Analis Investasi : S1 Environmental Management (1)
  14. Analis Jabatan : S1 Psychology (1)
  15. Analis Kawasan Transmigrasi :
    • S1 Population Science (1)
    • S1 Civil Engineering (2)
  16. Analis Kemasyarakatan : S1 Sociology (1)
  17. Analis Kerjasama :
    • S1 Law (1)
    • S1 Economics Accounting (2)
  18. Analis Kerjasama Bilateral dan Regional
    • S1 Communication (2)
    • S1 International Relations (2)
  19. Analis Kerjasama Multilateral : S1 Law (2)
  20. Analis Kerjasama Multilateral dan Internasional : S1 International Relations (3)
  21. Analis Kerjasama Pusat dan Daerah : S1 State Administration (1)
  22. Analis Kesehatan Kerja : S1 Public Health - K3 (1)
  23. Analis Kesra : S1 Economics Management (1)
  24. Analis Keuangan
    • S1 Economics Accounting (4)
    • S1 Economics Education (1)
  25. Analis Kimia : S1 Chemical Engineering (5)
  26. Analis Lingkungan Hidup : S1 Environmental Engineering (1)
  27. Analis Media dan Jurnalistik : S1 Communication - Journalism (1)
  28. Analis Model Pengembangan Industri :
    • S1 Industrial Engineering (1)
    • S1 Economics Accounting (1)
  29. Analis Optimasi, Rehabilitasi dan Konservasi Lahan
    • S1 Soil Science (1)
    • S1 Geography (1)
  30. Analis Organisasi : S1 State Administration (2)
  31. Analis Pelaporan :
    • S1 Economics Education (2)
    • S1 Economics Accounting (2)
    • S1 Statistics/Mathematics (1)
  32. Analis Pembangunan : S1 Planning Engineering (1)
  33. Analis Pemberdayaan Masyarakat :
    • S1 Psychology/Psychology Education (1)
    • S1 Government Science (1)
  34. Analis Pembukaan Lahan : S1 Geography (1)
  35. Analis Pengaduan Masyarakat : S1 Law - Islamic Law (2)
  36. Analis Pengelolaan Barang Milik Negara : S1 Economics Management (1)
  37. Analis Pengembangan Kompetensi :
    • S1 State Administration (2)
    • S1 Law (1)
    • S1 Psychology (2)
  38. Analis Pengembangan Potensi Daerah : S1 Sociology (1)
  39. Analis Peningkatan Usaha Pertanian dan Agrobisnis : S1 Agribusiness / Agriculture Social Economics (1)
  40. Analis Penyusun Penyiapan Lahan : S1 Environmental Engineering (1)
  41. Analis Perundang-Undangan : S1 Law (2)
  42. Analis Program/Perencanaan : S1 Economics Management (1)
  43. Analis Proses Akreditasi Laboratorium Penguji :
    • S1 Industrial Engineering (1)
    • S1 Physics (1)
  44. Analis Sistem Informasi : S1 Information System (2)
  45. Analis Sosial Budaya Masyarakat : S1 Sosiatri (1)
  46. Analis Standar Mutu Bahan dan Peralatan : S1 Mechanical Engineering (1)
  47. Analis Tenaga Kerja :
    • S1 Industrial Engineering (1)
    • S1 Sosiatri (4)
    • S1 Law (1)
  48. Analis Tenaga Kerja Perusahaan Swasta : S1 Economics Management (1)
  49. Analis Tindak Lanjut Laporan Hasil Pemeriksaan : S1 Economics Management (2)
  50. Fasilitator Kewirausahaan : D3 Economics Management (1)
  51. Insturktur Pelaksana
    • D3 Hospitality (2)
    • D3 Office Secretary/Office Administration (2)
    • D3 Fashion (2)
    • D3 Electronics Engineering (2)
    • D3 Electricity Engineering (1)
    • D3 Mechanical Engineering (3)
    • D3 Automotive Mechanical Engineering (2)
    • D3 Civil Engineering (2)
  52. Instruktur Pertama
    • S1 State Administration (1)
    • S1 Agribusiness / Agriculture Social Economics (1)
    • S1 Architecture (1)
    • S1 English Language (4)
  53. Mediator Hubungan Industrial Pertama : S1 Social (3)
  54. Pemeriksa Penelitian dan HKI :
    • D3 Economics Management (1)
    • S1 Computer Science (1)
  55. Pengadministrasi Kepegawaian : D3 Administration (2)
  56. Pengadministrasi Keuangan :
    • D3 Economics Accounting (1)
    • D3 Economics Management/Accounting (1)
  57. Pengadministrasi Persuratan : SMK Office (1)
  58. Pengadministrasi Umum :
    • D3 Cameraman (2)
    • D3 Archieves (1)
    • SMK Office (1)
    • SMK Accounting (1)
  59. Pengawas Ketenagakerjaan Pertama :
    • S1 Law (3)
    • S1 Architecture (1)
  60. Pengelola Informasi dan Dokumentasi : D3 Visual Communication (1)
  61. Pengelola Pengaduan Publik : D3 Public Relations (1)
  62. Pengelola Sarana dan Prasarana : D3 Economics Accounting (1)
  63. Pengelola Teknologi Informasi : D3 Information System (1)
  64. Penggerak Swadaya Masyarakat Pertama :
    • S1 Fisheries (3)
    • S1 Agriculture (6)
    • S1 Animal Husbandry (5)
  65. Penguji K3
    • D3 Hiperkes (8)
    • D3 Environmental Engineering (9)
    • D3 Public Health - K2 (5)
    • D3 Chemical - MIPA/Engineering/Analyst (8)
  66. Penyuluh Kawasan Transmigrasi : S1 Psychology (1)
  67. Penyusun Data dan Informasi : D3 Sospol (1)
  68. Penyusun Kurikulum, Modul dan Bahan Ajar : D3 Business and Management (1)
  69. Perencana Pertama : S1 Economics Management (1)
  70. Pranata Acara : SMK Office (1)
  71. Pranata Barang dan Jasa : D3 Office Administration (1)
  72. Pranata Komputer Pelaksana : D3 Information System (1)
  73. Sekretaris : D3 Office Secretary (2)
  74. Statistisi Pelaksana : D3 Statistics Science (1)
  75. Statistisi Pertama :
    • S1 Statistics (2)
    • S1 Statistics/Mathematics (1)
  76. Teknisi Peralatan, Listrik dan Elektronika : SMK Electro/Electronics/Electricity (1)
  77. Verifikator Keuangan : D3 Economics Accounting (1)
UPT Pusat
  1. Instruktur Pelaksana
    • D2 - D3 All Majors - Have ASC award (4)
    • D2 - D3 All Majors (3)
    • D3 Mechanical Engineering (11)
    • D3 Electicity Engineering - Electro (19)
    • D3 Civil Engineering (7)
    • D3 Electronics Engineering (4)
    • D3 Automotive Mechanical Engineering (21)
    • D3 Industrial Engineering (6)
    • D3 Fashion (5)
    • D3 Toursim (10)
    • D3 Computer (14)
    • D3 Commerce Administration (4)
    • D3 Secretary (4)
    • D3 English Language (10)
    • D3 Agriculture (4)
  2. Instruktur Pertama
    • D4/S1 Computer - Graduated from Polytechnic University of Japan/PTU (1)
    • D4/S1 Civil Engineering - Graduated from Polytechnic University of Japan/PTU (1)
    • S1 Mechanical Engineering - Graduated from Polytechnic University of Japan/PTU (1)
    • S1 Electronics Engineering - Graduated from Polytechnic University of Japan/PTU (1)
    • S1 Mechanical Engineering (6)
    • S1 Electricity Engineering - Electro (11)
    • S1 Civil Engineering (5)
    • S1 Automotive Mechanical Engineering (15)
    • S1 Industrial Engineering (3)
    • S1 Fashion (4)
    • S1 Computer (4)
    • S1 Commerce Administration (5)
    • S1 Economics Management (4)
    • S1 Economics Sharia (2)
    • S1 Islamic Law/Sharia (2)
    • S1 Islamic Education (2)
    • S1 Economics Education (2)
  1. Instruktur Pelaksana
    • D2-D3 All Majors (24)
    • D2-D3 Catering (8)
    • D2-D3 Arts and Crafts (9)
    • D3 Mechanical Engineering (36)
    • D3 Electicity Engineering - Electro (154)
    • D3 Civil Engineering (54)
    • D3 Electronics Engineering (33)
    • D3 Automotive Mechanical Engineering (118)
    • D3 Industrial Engineering (84)
    • D3 Fashion (18)
    • D3 Tourism (21)
    • D3 Computer (51)
    • D3 Commerce Administration (77)
    • D3 Economics Management (17)
    • D3 English Language (1)
    • D3 Agriculture (57)
  2. Instruktur Pertama
    • S1 Economics Management (30)
    • S1 Fashion (3)
    • S1 Electronics Engineering (4)
Note : Kementerian Tenaga Kerja dan Transmigrasi will held Basic Competence Test (TKD) using the Computer Assisted Test system (CAT). To learn about CPNS test using CAT system, please register here.

For further information about jobs requirements and how to apply in each positions above, please refer official source from Kementerian Tenaga Kerja dan Transmigrasi on following link below. Register online through the national portal http://www.panselnas.menpan.go.id and then register to http://sscn.bkn.go.id. All applicants must send all hard copy applications to Ketua Pengadaan CPNS Kementerian Tenaga Kerja dan Transmigrasi Republik Indonesia Tahun 2014 PO BOX 4049 JKTM 12700. Closing date 23 September 2014. All applications are appreciated and will be treated confidentially. Only qualified, short-listed applicants will be invited for furthers process. (JobsCDC.com / Source)

Notes :
JobsCDC.com now available on android device. Download now on Google Play here. Please be aware of recruitment fraud. The entire stage of this selection process is free of charge. Kementerian Tenaga Kerja dan Transmigrasi - SMK, D2, D3, D4, S1 CPNS Kemenakertrans September 2014 will never ask for fees or upfront payments for any purposes during the recruitment process such as transportation and accommodation.

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