PT PLN (Persero) / |
Due to facing fast business growth and expanding of business across Indonesia, PT PLN (Persero) Distribusi Jawa Tengah & DI Yogyakarta is calling young smart people to seize theese career opportunities
Operator Transmisi (OPT-TRS)
Operator Distribusi (OPT-DIS)
Teknisi Distribusi (TKS-DIS)
Teknisi Pembangkit (TKS-KIT)
Teknisi Transmisi (TKS-TRS)
SMK Electricity
SMK Mechanical
SMK Electricity
SMK Electricity
SMK Mechanical
SMK Electricity
SMK Mechanical
General Requirements
- Male, single / not married and willing to not married during the pre-service training program.
- Minimum average of national exam (SKHUN) score of 6.50.
- Maximum birth in the year of 1995 or thereafter.
- Minimum height of 155 cm with proportional of weight to height (BMI maximum 28).
- Physically and mentally healthy and not color blind.
- Not afraid of heights.
- Not tattooed and pierced.
- Not tied to bond with other agencies / companies.
- Not involved in drug abuse and other addictive substances.
- Pass the selection process, including administration, academic test, physical test, psychological test, medical test, interview and pre-service training.
- Willing to be placed in the region of PT PLN (Persero) Distribution of Central Java and Yogyakarta, PT PLN (Persero) Distribution and Load Control Center Java, Bali, and PT PLN (Persero) Generation Unit Java Bali.
- Healthy (according to the standard laboratory), not color blind, not myopic night, no glasses, and do not smoke.
- Cover letter addressed to PT PLN (Persero) - c.q. Kepala Divisi Pengembangan SDM dan Talenta.
- Curriculum Vitae (CV).
- Legalized copy of academic certificate and SKHUN.
- Copy of birth certificate (akte kelahiran/surat kenal lahir).
- Copy of valid ID card (for those who do not have ID cards attach a Certificate of Village Office).
- Recent color photograph size 4x6 (3 sheets, please write your name in back side of photograph).
- Affidavit on the stamp Rp 6,000, - which states that
- Not involved drug and other addictive substance abuse, and criminal acts.
- Do not smoke.
- Single and willing to not married during the period of pre-service training / Diklat Prajabatan.
- Not tied to bond with agencies or other companies.
- Health and not color blind certificate from doctor.
- Blue folder for OPT-TRS
- Red folder for OPT-DIS
- Yellow folder for TKS-DIS
- Green folder for TKS-TRS
- Brown folder for TKS-KIT