Bapermades Jateng / |
Pemerintah Provinsi Jawa Tengah - Pemprov Jateng is the Central Java Provincial Government. The Province of Central Java is situated at the middle portion of Java Island with the capital city is located at Semarang City. The Province of Central Java administratively has 29 regencies and 6 cities with a total area of 39,800.69 km2. The Province of Central Java bordered to West Java in the West, East Java in the east, the Java Sea in the north, and the Indian Ocean and Yogyakarta Special Region (DIY) in the south. The Province of Central Java is renowned as the third most populous province in Indonesia after West Java Province and East Java Province. According to the latest data from Statistics Indonesia (BPS) Central Java Office as quoted by, the province of Central Java has approximately 33,270,207 people. The Current governor of Central Java is Ganjar Pranowo, replacing Bibit Waluyo. He is the governor of Central Java for 2013-2018 term.
Due to strengthen its team, Pemerintah Provinsi Jawa Tengah through Badan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat dan Desa is looking for highly experienced Indonesian professional to join the team
Rekrutmen Tenaga Pendamping Profesional Dalam Rangka Pelaksanaan Undang-Undang Desa TA 2015
- Minimum education of Junior High School (SMP) or equivalent.
- At least 2 years of extensive experience in organization and actively involved in community empowerment.
- A minimum age of 25 years and a maximum of 45 years upon registration.
- 2,790 positions available.
- Minimum education of Bachelor Degree (S1) with relevant experience in the field of community empowerement program at least 2 years or Diploma Degree (D3) with relevant experience in the field of community empowerement program at least 4 years.
- Maximum of 45 years upon registration.
- Computer literate, minimum Microsoft Office (Word, Excel) and Internet network.
- 699 positions available.
- Minimum education of Bachelor Degree (S1) with relevant experience in the field of community empowerement program at least 4 years or Diploma Degree (D3) with relevant experience in the field of community empowerement program at least 6 years.
- Maximum of 50 years upon registration.
- Experienced in working with local government officials.
- Computer literate, minimum Microsoft Office (Word, Excel) and Internet network.
- 5 positions available.
- Minimum education of Bachelor Degree (S1) with relevant experience in the field of community empowerement program at least 4 years or Diploma Degree (D3) with relevant experience in the field of community empowerement program at least 6 years.
- Maximum of 50 years upon registration.
- Experienced in working with local government officials.
- Computer literate, minimum Microsoft Office (Word, Excel) and Internet network.
- 3 positions available.
- Minimum education of Bachelor Degree (S1) with relevant experience in the field of community empowerement program at least 4 years or Diploma Degree (D3) with relevant experience in the field of community empowerement program at least 6 years.
- Maximum of 50 years upon registration.
- Experienced in working with local government officials.
- Computer literate, minimum Microsoft Office (Word, Excel) and Internet network.
- 9 positions available.
- Minimum education of Bachelor Degree (S1) with relevant experience in the field of community empowerement program at least 4 years or Diploma Degree (D3) with relevant experience in the field of community empowerement program at least 6 years.
- Maximum of 50 years upon registration.
- Experienced in working with local government officials.
- Computer literate, minimum Microsoft Office (Word, Excel) and Internet network.
- 28 positions available.
- Minimum education of Bachelor Degree (S1) in Civil Engineering with relevant experience in the field of community empowerement program at least 4 years or Diploma Degree (D3) in Civil Engineering with relevant experience in the field of community empowerement program at least 6 years.
- Maximum of 50 years upon registration.
- Experienced in working with local government officials.
- Computer literate, minimum Microsoft Office (Word, Excel) and Internet network.
- 2 positions available.
- Minimum education of Bachelor Degree (S1) with relevant experience in the field of community empowerement program at least 4 years or Diploma Degree (D3) in with relevant experience in the field of community empowerement program at least 6 years.
- Maximum of 50 years upon registration.
- Experienced in working with local government officials.
- Computer literate, minimum Microsoft Office (Word, Excel) and Internet network.
- 28 positions available.
- Indonesian Citizen (WNI);
- Have the educational qualifications, expertise, work experience and skills needed evidenced by a copy of diploma, certificate of membership in accordance with the selected position;
- Never been sentenced to prison or confinement by court decisions that have permanent legal force, due to a criminal act;
- Never dishonorably discharged as facilitators in PNPM Mandiri Perdesan or similar programs.
- Physically and mentally healthy;
- Strong knowledge of local cultural and preferably fluent in local language.
- Handwritten application letter with black ink, addressed to Kepala Bapermades Prov. Jateng (according to the format attached);
- Curriculum Vitae (according to the format attached);
- Authenticated copies of Degree certifications and transcripts;
- Working reference;
- Copy of ID Card (1 sheet).
For further information about job requirements in each positions above and required documents, please refer official source from Bapermades Prov Jateng on following link below. If you are interested and competent in accordance with the requirements, please submit your application not later than 17 August 2015 to Satker P3MD Prov Jateng PO BOX 8065/SMEL. All applications are appreciated and will be treated confidentially. Only qualified, short-listed applicants will be invited for furthers process. (