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PDAM Kab Tapin - Recruitment SMK, D3, S1 Operator, Staff PDAM November 2015

Written By JobsCDC on 4.11.15 | 5:43 AM


PDAM Kab Tapin
PDAM Kab Tapin / pdamtapin.com
Perusahaan Daerah Air Minum Kabupaten Tapin - PDAM Kab Tapin is a reputable regional water company in Indonesia, based in Tapin Regency South Kalimantan Province. PDAM Kab Tapin is fully owned by local government of Tapin Regency. PDAM Kab Tapin running business in the distribution of clean water for the general public of Tapin Regency. PDAM Kab Tapin is headquartered in Jl Pembangunan No 8 Rantau Tapin. According to PDAM Kab Tapin's company profile as cited by JobsCDC.com, the regional water company was first established in 1983 and originally registered as Badan Pengelola Air Minum (BPAM) or Water Management Agency of Tapin Regency based on the Decree of the Ministry of Public Works No 133 / KPTS / CK / 83 dated 20 August 1983. The name of Perusahaan Daerah Air Minum Kabupaten Tapin officially launched in 1990. PDAM Kab Tapin as a provider of water services agencies have service areas spread in Bungur, Tapin Utara, Tapin Selatan, Tapin Tengah, Binuang, Hatungun, Salam Babaris, Bakarangan, Candi Laras Utara, and Candi Laras Selatan.

To support its progressive growth and build the organizational capability, Perusahaan Daerah Air Minum Kabupaten Tapin is looking for talented people and the best candidates to join as positions below:

Requirements for public applicants
  • Maximum age of 30 years old for SMK and 35 years old for D3/S1.
  • Minimum GPA of 2.75 for D3/S1 and minimum average score of 7.00 for SMK.
  • For TLg position : preferably graduated from ATAB (Clean Air Engineering Academy) and Male (Female are welcome to apply).
  • For Ak position : preferably Male (Female are welcome to apply) and hands-on work experience.
  • For TM/TL positions : specifically male applicants.
  • For Ak, TK, and Tlg positions : Operating knowledge of Microsoft Office (Ms Word and Ms Excel).
  • For SMK Architecture Engineering, preferably familiar with AutoCAD.
  • For TG position : operating knowledge of GPS, Trestris Measurement, AutoCAD, GIS and Surveyor.
General Requirements
  1. Well-behaved and never sentenced to imprisonment or confinement under a court decision which is legally enforceable;
  2. Never dismissed with respect not his own request or not with reverence as PNS / Members of the TNI / police or dishonorably dismissed as private employees;
  3. Not located as a candidate civil servant (CPNS) or civil servant (PNS) and are not related to the agreement / contract of employment other installations;
  4. Not in a bond with other agencies;
  5. The age of applicants is determined by the date of birth listed on a Certificate of Graduate Study / diploma that is used as the basis for applying;
  6. For Female applicants are not in a state of pregnancy;
  7. Physically and mentally healthy;
  8. Does not have the relationship of husband / wife with employees of the company;
  9. Willing to be placed in all areas Tapin regency;
  10. Not willing to resign during the five (5) years from the receipt in the company.
    Required application documents
    1. Curriculum Vitae (please ensure your contact telephone number included in your CV);
    2. Copy of national ID Card;
    3. Legalized copies of diploma and transcript;
    4. Color photograph sie 4x6, 3x4 and 2x3 (each 2 sheets). 
    For further information, please refer official source from PDAM Kabupaten Tapin on following link below. If you match the profile and are interested in this exiting career opportunity, please submit directly your application on working hours (08.00 - 16.00 WITA) to Kantor PDAM Kabupaten Tapin - Jl Pembangunan No 8 Rantau. Or email your all required application documents and kindly mark code of the position applied at the email subject to pdam.tapin@ymail.com. Closing date 5 November 2015. All applications will be treated strictly confidential and only short listed candidates will be contacted for next process. (JobsCDC.com/Source)

    Notes :
    JobsCDC.com now available on android device. Download now on Google Play here. Please be aware of recruitment fraud. The entire stage of this selection process is free of charge. PDAM Kab Tapin - Recruitment SMK, D3, S1 Operator, Staff PDAM November 2015 will never ask for fees or upfront payments for any purposes during the recruitment process such as transportation and accommodation.

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