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PT PLN (Persero) - General Recruitment Program Yogyakarta PLN December 2015

Written By JobsCDC on 18.12.15 | 10:00 AM


PT PLN (Persero)
PT PLN (Persero) / pln.co.id
PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara (Persero) - PLN or commonly abbreviated as "PT PLN (Persero)" is the state electricity company of Indonesia. Its business include generation, distribution, transmission and other electricity related services. The Company has a right to monopoly on electricity distribution in Indonesia. PT PLN (Persero) is a non listed state-owned company and is wholly-owned by the Indonesian Government. PT PLN (Persero) is based in Jakarta and its head office is registered at Jl Trunojoyo Blok M 1/135 Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta. Operations are supported by 15 area offices, 6 distribution unit offices, 2 Distribution and Load Control Centers, 6 Generation units, 14 Parent Project Units and 6 Central and Services  Units. PT PLN (Persero) also supported by 11 subsidiaries/affiliated companies.

In term of financial performance, total net sales remained high in 2014 reflecting a positive operating performance. According to PLN's Annual Report 2014 as cited by JobsCDC.com, PT PLN (Persero) managed to record a total net sales of Rp 198.60 trillion at the end of 2014 or equal to an increase of around 5.89% compared to Rp 187.54 trillion in the previous year. Total net profit in 2014 amounted to Rp 11.7 trillion, compared with loss of Rp 26.2 trillion in 2013.

To assist in the growth and expansion of the company, PT PLN (Persero)  are looking for the best candidates for following positions:

General Recruitment Program PT PLN (Persero) 
Level S1, D4 and D3 2015
Location : Yogyakarta

    General Requirements
    • Status single / not married and willing not to get married during the "Diklat Prajabatan" training program.
    • Preferably Male.
    • Bachelor (S1/D.IV) and Diploma (DIII) graduate, with age limit
      • S1/D.IV : Birth in 1990 and thereafter.
      • DIII : Birth in 1992 and thereafter.
      Document to be submited
        1. Application letter, addressed to PT PLN (Persero) c.q. Kepala Divisi Pengembangan SDM dan Talenta);
        2. Curriculum Vitae (CV).
        3. Copy of Birth Certificate/Akte Kelahiran ;
        4. Authenticated copies of Degree certifications or temporary degree verification statements (SKL);
        5. Authenticated copies of academic transcripts;
        6. Copy of national Identity Card (KTP);
        7. Not married certificate from local village office.
        8. Passport photo size 3x4 cm (2 sheets, please write your name in the back side of each photos).
        9. For cross channel applicants (D3 graduates which continue to D4 / S1), must attach Authenticated copies of D3 certifications and transcripts as the additional documents :
                For further information on the requirement, how to apply, please refer official source from PT PLN (Persero) on following link below. If you feel you are the one who have those requirement above, feel free to send all required documents above to PO BOX 1001 YKBS 55281. The applications must be submitted before 31 December 2015. All applicants are only allowed to apply 1 position of appropriate levels of education and study programs / fields. If there is a mismatch of data, participants were disqualified. Selection process (administration to interview) will be held in Yogyakarta. All applications are appreciated and will be treated confidentially. Only qualified, short-listed applicants will be followed up. (JobsCDC.com / Source)

                Notes :
                JobsCDC.com now available on android device. Download now on Google Play here. Please be aware of recruitment fraud. The entire stage of this selection process is free of charge. PT PLN (Persero) - General Recruitment Program Yogyakarta PLN December 2015 will never ask for fees or upfront payments for any purposes during the recruitment process such as transportation and accommodation.

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