P&G Indonesia / |
As today, P&G Group now has 2 affiliated companies in Indonesia, namely PT Procter & Gamble Home Products Indonesia and PT Procter & Gamble Operations Indonesia. According to P&G group's profile as cited by, P&G Group has been active since 1970 in Indonesia and initiated by PT Richardson Merrel Indonesia (MRI) with Vicks brand which later was acquired by P&G Group in 1979. Later in 1989, MRI renamed to PT Procter & Gamble Indonesia in 1989 and then renamed to PT Procter & Gamble Home Products Indonesia in 1997 until today. PT P&G Ops Indonesia is based in Karawang West Java and its office is registered at Jl Harapan II Lot KK-7a, Kawasan Industri KIIC Karawang, West Java 41361.
To support its progressive growth and build the organizational capability, PT Procter & Gamble Operations Indonesia is calling young smart people to seize theese career opportunities
P&G Plant Technicians
- Limited to candidates with background in Diploma Degree (D3) who graduate in 2013, 2014, 2015, majoring in the following discipline
- Chemical Engineering
- Mechanical Engineering
- Electro Engineering
- Computer Engineering
- Chemical Analyst
- Pharmaceutical
- Microbiology
- Willing to be placed at Karawang West Java.
- Willing to work in shifting system.