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PT Jasa Raharja (Persero) - Recruitment Fresh Graduate Program Jasa Raharja August 2016

Written By JobsCDC on 6.8.16 | 8:05 AM


PT Jasa Raharja (Persero)
PT Jasa Raharja (Persero) / jasaraharja.co.id
PT Jasa Raharja (Persero) - Jasa Raharja is a leading state-owned social insurance company in Indonesia with core business in accident insurance. Jasa Raharja is a non listed state-owned company and is fully owned by the Government of Indonesia. Headquartered in Jakarta, Jasa Raharja runs its business through 29 branches, 69 representative offices, 60 service offices (KPJR) and 978 Samsat Joint Offices across Indonesia. Jasa Raharja also supported by 2,055 trained staff. Jasa Raharja's head office is registered at Jl HR Rasuna Said Kav C-2, Kuningan Jakarta Selatan 12920. PT Jasa Raharja (Persero) has 1 subsidiary, namely PT Jasaraharja Putera which focus on general insurance and surety bond guarante business.

In term of financial performance, Jasa Raharja succeeded in posting excellent financial performance in 2014. According to PT Jasa Raharja (Persero) Annual Report 2014 as cited by JobsCDC.com, Jasa Raharja was able to expand total assets by18% from Rp 9,223.58 billion to Rp 10,883.94 billion in 2014. The Company registered total net profit of Rp 2,362.64 billion and revenue of Rp 5,950.34 billion in 2014, an increase of 23.50% and 8.92% respectively compared to 2013.

To assist in the growth and expansion of the company, PT Jasa Raharja (Persero) invites qualified candidates to fullfill the position as follows

Seleksi Calon Pegawai PT Jasa Raharja (Persero) Tahun 2016

  • Male/Female, maximum age for selection: not exceed 27 years of age.
  • Hold education at least a Bachelor's Degree (S1) from a leading university (PTN/PTS), preferably majoring in Accounting, Actuarial, Insurance, Finance, Law, Risk Management, IT, Economics Management, Mathematics / MIPA, and Industrial Engineering.
  • Have an outstanding academic record with minimum GPA of 2.75 (for PTN) or 3.00 on a 4.00 grade scale (for PTS).
  • Minimum height of 155 cm for Female and 165 cm for Male.
  • Single/not married (as evidenced by ID Card and not married statement letter during the process of recruitment and selection, signed on stamp duty).
  • Not having siblings who work in Jasa Raharja (as evidenced by the statement letter, signed on stamp duty).
  • Willing to be stationed in all over Indonesia (as evidenced by the statement letter, signed on stamp duty).
  • All selection process will held at Jakarta and at his/her own expense.
    For more detail information on the requirement, please refer official source from PT Jasa Raharja (Persero) on following link below. This position can be applied by anyone who met the requirement above. Interested candidates need to register online to http://lmfeui.com/jasaraharja. The applications must be submitted before 10 August 2016. Only the best qualified applicants (shortlisted candidate) will be included in the next selection process. (JobsCDC.com / Source)

    Notes :
    JobsCDC.com now available on android device. Download now on Google Play here. Please be aware of recruitment fraud. The entire stage of this selection process is free of charge. PT Jasa Raharja (Persero) - Recruitment Fresh Graduate Program Jasa Raharja August 2016 will never ask for fees or upfront payments for any purposes during the recruitment process such as transportation and accommodation.

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