
PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia Tbk - D3 CSR Plasa Telkom Group May 2018

Telkom Indonesia
Telkom Indonesia / telkom.co.id
PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia Tbk - Telkom Indonesia (IDX:TLKM, NYSE:TLK) or commonly named "Telkom Group" is the largest telecommunication and network services providers in Indonesia which is majority owned by the Government of Indonesia. As of December 2016, Telkom Group is 52.09% owned by the government of Indonesia and 47.91% by Public. Telkom Group currently manages six business portfolios; Mobile, Fixed, Wholesale & International, Network Infrastructure, Enterprise Digital and Consumer Digital. Telkom Group offers a full range services in information, communications technology and telecommunications network. Its business include fixed wire line connections, fixed wireless connections, mobile communications services, networking and interconnection services and Internet and data communication services. Telkom Indonesia also engaged in providing various information, media and edutainment services, including managed services based on cloud and server, e-Commerce, e-Payment services and IT enabler, and other portal services. Headquartered in Bandung West Java, Telkom Group's domestic operations are divided into 7 regional division offices. These regions gave TelkomGroup a total of 58 telecommunication areas and 572 Plasa Telkom spread across Indonesia.

According to PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia Tbk Annual Report 2016 as quoted by JobsCDC.com, TelkomGroup’s performance in 2016 improved over the previous year. TelkomGroup registered total revenue of Rp116,333 billion in 2016. This number is up 13.53% year-on-year )YOY) from Rp102,470 billion in 2015. TelkomGroup's total profit experienced growth of 25.11% to Rp29,172 billion in 2016 from Rp23,317 billion in previous year.

As part of the Company's business expansion, PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia Tbk seeks extraordinarily talented individuals to join as positions below:

CSR Plasa Teklom

  • Male, single/not married.
  • Minimum Associate Degree (D3).
  • Maximum age of 24 years old.
  • Minimum height of 165 cm.
  • Good looking, excited, communicative and energetic.
  • Fluent in English will be an added value.
For more information and submission, please refer official source from Telkom Indonesia on following link below. If your qualification is matched with the requirement above, please send your application letter with updated CV, diploma and transcript, photograph 4x6 (2 sheets) and close up (1 sheet), copy of ID Card, copy of family card (KK), medical certificate not later than 31 May 2018 to email rekrutmen.infomedia@gmail.com. Please write CSR PLASA PKY in your email subject. Or come in person and bring all required application documents above directly to Plasa Telkom - Jl A Yani No 45 Palangkaraya, Up Mrs Yuliansi. Your application will be treated confidentially and only short listed candidates will be followed up. (JobsCDC.com / Source)