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PT Jasa Raharja (Persero) - SMA, SMK, D3 Program Langkah Bakti Jasa Raharja August 2019

Written By JobsCDC on 5.8.19 | 10:51 AM


PT Jasa Raharja (Persero)
PT Jasa Raharja (Persero) / jasaraharja.co.id
PT Jasa Raharja (Persero) - Jasa Raharja is a reputable state-owned financial services company in Indonesia with strong business focus on social insurance. Jasa Raharja operates primarily as a provider of accident insurance. Jasa Raharja is based in Jakarta and now has 29 branch offices, 63 representative offices, 67 service offices (KPJR) and 1,285 joint offices with SAMSAT spread across Indonesia (as of December 2017). Its head office is registered at Jl HR Rasuna Said Kav C-2, Kuningan Jakarta Selatan 12920. PT Jasa Raharja (Persero) also supported by 1 subsidiary company, namely PT Jasaraharja Putera which focus on general insurance and surety bond guarantee business. PT Jasa Raharja (Persero) was first established in 1960 as Perusahaan Asuransi Kerugian Negara (PAKN) Ika Karya. In 1970, the Company renamed into Perusahaan Umum Jasa Raharja. The name of PT Jasa Raharja (Persero) officially launched in 1980. Jasa Raharja is a non listed state-owned company and is completely owned by the Government of Indonesia which represented by the Minister of State-Owned Enterprises (SOE).

In term of financial performance, Jasa Raharja succeeded in posting excellent financial performance in the business year of 2017. According to information found in PT Jasa Raharja (Persero) Annual Report 2017 as cited by JobsCDC.com, Jasa Raharja booked total assets of Rp 15.05 trillion in the end of 2017. This number is up 14.68% from the same period previous year. Jasa Raharja's total assets as at the end of 2016 amounted to Rp 13.12 trillion. Referring to its annual report, total underwriting income in 2017 amounted to Rp 4.86 trillion. This reflected an 7.82% increase from Rp 4.50 trillion in 2016.

To assist in the growth and expansion of the company, PT Jasa Raharja (Persero) invites qualified candidates to fullfill the position as follows

Program Langkah Bakti
  1. Petugas Administrasi SAMSAT
  2. Petugas Administrasi Pelayanan
  • Local resident, domiciled in the local branch area (proven from KTP).
  • Male or Female, age around 17 - 23 years old.Maximum 23rd birthday on the last day registration date. Applicants aged 17 years mus be accompanied by a letter of permission from parents.
  • Have no family relationship (parents and / or siblings) who still actively working at Jasa Raharja.
  • Education background in Senior High School (SMA) or equivalent, Diploma Degree (D3) in any field.
  • Minimum GPA of 2.50 for D3 or minimum average national exam score of 6.00 for SMA or equivalent.
  • Single/not married and willing to not get married during the program.
  • Computer literate (minimum MS Word and Excel).
Required application documents
  1. Copy of ID Card (KTP/SIM);
  2. Legalized copies of formal education diploma (Elementary school until the last education) and transcript (for D3/S1_ and SKHUN (for SMA/SMK);
  3. Copy of family card (KK);
  4. Legalized copy of SKCK;
  5. Color photograph 4x6 (2 sheets);
  6. Not married certificate from District Office;
  7. Statement letter : not married and willing to not get married during the program;
  8. Statement letter : do not have parents and / or siblings who are still actively working at Jasa Raharja
For further information, please refer official source from PT Jasa Raharja (Persero) on following link below. Should you are interested and qualified, please come in persons and bring all required application documents above directly to all branches of Jasa Raharja in all over Indonesia. Closing date 7 August 2019. All applications are appreciated and will be treated confidentially. Only qualified, short-listed applicants will be invited for furthers process. (JobsCDC.com / Source)

Notes :
JobsCDC.com now available on android device. Download now on Google Play here. Please be aware of recruitment fraud. The entire stage of this selection process is free of charge. PT Jasa Raharja (Persero) - SMA, SMK, D3 Program Langkah Bakti Jasa Raharja August 2019 will never ask for fees or upfront payments for any purposes during the recruitment process such as transportation and accommodation.

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